This resource pack is made up of 14 worksheets covering BTEC Workskills unit 35 in its entirety + 1 x Unit Assignment sheet for the unit and powerpoint document guiding you through each criteria and activity (27 slides). The following BTEC criteria are met in this pack:
1.1 Outline health and safety responsibilities of self and others in the workplace
1.2 Identify sources of workplace health and safety information
1.3 Outline why it is important to report workplace accidents
2.1 Outline the difference between ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’
2.2 Identify health and safety hazards in the workplace
2.3 Identify health and safety risks in the workplace
2.4 Identify ways in which accidents can be avoided in the workplace
2.5 Outline reporting and recording procedures for hazards and risks in the workplace
3.1 Identify types of emergency that can occur in the workplace
3.2 Identify procedures for different types of emergency in the workplace
4.1 Comply with organisational and legal requirements for health and safety in the workplace
Criteria such as 2.2, 2,3 and 4.1 have multiple worksheets as these are mixing knowledge and competency and have spaces for picture evidence to be added.
1.1 worksheet requires the examples from the BTEC unit book ‘guidance notes’ to be copied and pasted, so learners can separate them into the employer/ employee responsibilities, or you can add your own.
1,2 and 4.1 worksheets prompt learners to carry out their own research.
Risk Assessments and risk level calculation tables are included within 2.2 worksheets.
Also included is the unit assignment sheet, outlining the tasks and criteria that is met. Note - This is subject to your own organisations IV process.
This package includes 29 MS Word worksheets/ resources, 1 powerpoint guiding you through the resources and 2 powerpoints used as employability based starter activities.
The master powerpoint has been stripped of all logos and colours to allow you to add some jazz, but resources are explained.
Some resources are basic to allow for discussion and consolodation of leaning and some have prescriptive instructions.
Note: Slide 6 on the PP, refers to a workbook. This workbook is not part of this package and is available to buy within my resources. Please remove this slide, if you don’t wish to buy this resource.
Criteria covered is:
1.1 Identify a job that they would like to apply for, by:
• Listing different ways to search for a job
• Identifying Pros and cons of job searching methods
• Researching to find an appropriate job advert
1.2 Identify the skills and qualities required for the job
1.3 Identify own skills and qualities that would make them suitable for that job :
• Link to job advert
• Link to job description
• Link to person specification
1.4 Plan steps towards making a successful job application including identifying:
• An appropriate format for the application
• Relevant information to include in the application
• Who to check the application with before submitting it
1.5 Check accuracy and submit a mock / formal application
2.1 Prepare to attend an interview, including identifying:
• Questions that the interviewer might ask and appropriate answers
• Relevant experience/information that it would be useful to communicate to the interviewer
2.2 Present information about themselves at an interview responding to questions with relevant information and using appropriate language
2.3 Use feedback to review their performance and state what they would do differently in the future
This unit - including time to do 1 week of trip to do practical job searching and 2 lessons of CV writing, easily lasts 30 hours (based on 10 lessons of 3 hours lessons).
The unit powerpoint is within this pack and guides you through the worksheets and includes screenshots of worksheets so you know which ones to use. The order of these may need changing depending on the length of your sessions. Powerpoint inclused some ideas for starters and links to youtube clips to analyse leaders.
Only thing not included is the unit assignment brief and formative and summative assessment sheets, as these were not made by me.
All worksheets within this pack cover the criteria for Unit 74:
Start the unit with the ‘Guess the Leader’ document / starter activity.
1.1 Describe the main features of leadership
Start with the ‘1.1 Features of a Leader’ worksheet
Then complete ‘1.1 Describe features’
Then complete document titled ‘1.1 and 1.2’
(This ‘1.1 and 1.2’ worksheet is accompanied by the ‘Scenarios’ document, which needs cutting up and handing out so students can assign a feature of leadership to each scenario and then discuss)
1.2 Describe how own skills and qualities relate to the main features of leadership - on this document i have made reference to a ‘Self assessment’ which is a seperate worbook available to buy within my shop, but you can remove this column from this worksheet. On this same workskeet, it asks you for ‘strengths observed by others’ - ask students to complete the ‘communication map’. worksheet and you can use a ‘BTEC Observation record sheet’ to document their feedback.
2.1 Describe the range of skills that can be used to lead others
2.2 Describe how own leadership skills can be put into practice in order to lead others
3.1 Select a suitable activity to demonstrate leadership skills
3.2 Explain how the selected activity will enable demonstration of an appropriate range of skills.
The Resources in this pack cover all creiteria for Unit 78 and included the unit powerpoint used to guide students through a range of starter and learning actities to meet the following criteria: (this covers 10 GLH - but has been delivered over 20 hours due to additional resources included)
1.1 Describe key aspects of a viable product or service
1.2 Describe why people might want to buy their product or service (there are 3 resources for which cover planning for fundraising events and Charities to donate to)
2.1 Describe the tasks that need to be completed to carry out the enterprise activity
2.2 Present the timelines required to carry out the tasks identified
2.3 Create a coherent plan for implementing an enterprise activity, including the tasks and timelines identified
3.1 Assess main risks that may occur in implementing the enterprise activity (2 resources)
3.2 Discuss ways to minimise the risks (2 Resources)